Billion Auto Group Official Blog
Learn more here about your vehicle’s transmission!
By Product Expert | Posted in Tips, Vehicle Maintenance on Thursday, March 5th, 2020 at 3:40 pm
What happens to a car when the transmission goes out?
Lately, we have been talking a lot about transmissions. From addressing the signs of a bad transmission to discussing whether or not you can drive with a bad transmission, we have covered a lot of ground! The next question about transmissions we are going to address is what happens to a car when the transmission goes out? Learn more about the signs your vehicle displays when the transmission has gone out.
I think that the transmission in my vehicle just went out. Now what?

We have an article written about the signs of a failing transmission. Check it out here. Was your vehicle displaying any of the signs described here? If so, and these issues were not addressed, your transmission probably failed.
When your transmission is failing, the most common issue it displays is gear slipping. This causes the engine to lose power, RPMs will often increase, and the engine might smell bad. When the transmission has actually gone out, basically your vehicle will not move. This is because the gears can no longer get power from the engine. As a result, the engine will idle, stall, or surge when shifting gears.
Can you drive with a bad transmission?
Where can I get my transmission serviced in the Bozeman area?

If you have noticed your vehicle demonstrating some of the warning signs, schedule an appointment today at Billion Auto Group! Our friendly, certified, and knowledgeable technicians would be happy to take a look at your transmission. Not only can they change out the transmission fluid for you but they can assist if your transmission goes out.
Did your transmission recently go out, and you would rather purchase a new vehicle? Take a look at our current online inventory! We have a wide range of make and models currently on our lot. Not only do we have many 2020 model vehicles, but also many used vehicles. We invite you to stop in and see us today! We look forward to meeting you and assisting you in any way that we can!