Billion Auto Group Official Blog
How Often Should You Get an Oil Change?
By Product Expert | Posted in Tips, Vehicle Maintenance on Friday, September 11th, 2015 at 1:06 pm
Oil Change Bozeman, MT
Changing your oil is one of the most vital regular maintenance procedures you can have performed on your car. The old interval of basic oil changes used to be around every 3,000 miles, but that’s not even close to what new cars offer today’s busy drivers. Some new cars can travel up to 15,000 miles before a scheduled oil change. The most important thing to know and remember is that not every car, truck or SUV is the same when it comes to the interval between a regular scheduled oil change. If you don’t know when to change your oil, don’t worry, not many drivers do. Keep reading to find out how often you should get an oil change in Bozeman, MT. Get rid of your vehicle’s old oil and replace it with some fresh lubricating oil to help get the most miles out of your new or used car.
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The first and most important thing to know about oil is that it’s role is to keep contaminants out of your engine, thus protecting it from normal wear and tear. It’s not like you don’t know that you have to change your oil, it’s knowing what a reasonable amount of time between changes is and how often your specific vehicle’s owner’s manual suggest you to do it. How often you should change your oil isn’t just about how many miles you drive, you also have to consider what type of climate you live in and what your day-to-day driving conditions are.
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The first step to learning how often you should get an oil change is to find your vehicle’s owner’s manual and to learn what the recommended mileage is for changing the oil in your specific car. The next thing to do is determine what kind of driving conditions you are normally driving in. If you do drive in a lot of stop-and-go driving, or frequently tow and haul heavy loads, you will have to change your oil more often than what your owner’s manual says. Another condition that encourages you to change your oil more often is if you live in an area that has a lot of blowing dust or dirt, as these conditions can make your engine oil dirtier than normal. Never go past your vehicle manufacturer’s recommended interval between oil changes, this can cause some serious damage and cost you a lot of money.
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