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Archive for the ‘Tips’ Category
Safety tips that will help you get ready for back-to-school driving
Wednesday, September 7th, 2016
Back to School Safety Tips for Drivers
It’s that time of year when when kids start heading back to school and that means the streets, sidewalks and crosswalks will be filled with children making their way to and home from school. Whether it’s an elementary school, middle school, high school or college you’re driving past, keep your eyes open and slow down. After a few months of not seeing those flashing red lights that tell you you’re in a school zone or school buses on the road, it can be easy to forget to keep your eyes open for them. To help keep everyone safe this school year, Billion Auto Group is offering up these back to school safety tips for drivers to remind them of what to look out for and how to keep themselves from getting into or causing an accident.
(more…)3 tips that will teach you how test drive a car the right way
Tuesday, August 16th, 2016
How to Test Drive a Car the Right Way
There are a lot of things that you need to do in order to get behind the wheel of the perfect car that fits your specific driving needs. While researching potential vehicles and reading up on reviews will help you narrow your choices down, the test drive will be the one the one thing that will help ensure you get the car that’s right for you. The following 3 tips will help you learn how to test drive a car the right way so you can find your perfect match.
(more…)Beat the heat in Bozeman, MT this summer with these summer vehicle maintenance tips
Wednesday, July 27th, 2016
Summer Vehicle Maintenance in Bozeman, MT
Temperatures during the summer months in Montana can get very warm, even in the higher altitudes. While many will really enjoy the warm weather and sunny skies, that same sun and heat can cause some damage to your car and make it not perform as efficiently. So what can you do about it? Regular summer vehicle maintenance in Bozeman, MT is key to helping your new or used car beat the summer heat and survive without have any problems. The following tips will help you get your vehicle through a hot summer in Montana.
(more…)Two ways you could be unintentionally damaging your car
Monday, July 18th, 2016
Unintentional Damage to Your Car
When you buy a new or used car you want it to last as long as possible without having to put too much money into it to have it fixed. While we all know that basic routine maintenance is the key to the longevity of a vehicle, there are some other things that you can do that don’t cost a penny. The following list will show you the top two ways you might be causing unintentional damage to your car. Follow them closely so you can get the most miles out of your new vehicle and keep your car out of the repair shop.
(more…)4 Things you need to know when buying a vehicle with all-wheel drive
Wednesday, July 13th, 2016
All-wheel Drive Buying Tips
No matter what time of year it may be, a vehicle with all-wheel drive is certainly handy to own. Whether you’re an off-road enthusiast or you live somewhere that the snow flies for many months and creates some hazardous driving conditions, the safety and traction control of a vehicle with all-wheel drive can be priceless. Many new vehicles offer all-wheel drive systems, but how do you know which is the best and what to look for when buying one. The following tips will help you when buying your next vehicle with all-wheel drive. Follow them closely and you’ll be behind the wheel of a new or used car that you’ll love driving on snow covered roads or dirt trails.
(more…)How to get your car ready for a road trip in Montana
Thursday, June 16th, 2016
Montana Road Trip Vehicle Checklist
Taking a road trip can be one of the most fun things you can do whether it’s with your family, your friends or by yourself. That feeling of freedom you get on the open road is unbelievable and unmatched by anything else. However, there are a few things you have to do in order to have a successful and stress-free road trip. Sure, you’ll have to plan your trip a little bit and make sure you pack the right gear for where you are going, but the most important thing you have to do is go over the road trip vehicle checklist to make sure your car is ready for the long trip. The following list will show you some basic vehicle maintenance your car needs before a road trip.
(more…)Don’t forget to pack these items when taking a summer road trip in Montana
Friday, May 20th, 2016
What Should You Pack When Taking a Summer Road Trip in Montana
With summer right around the corner, many drivers are already starting to think about what they’re going to do and where they’re going to go. One of the most fun things to do in any state, especially here in Montana, is to take a summer road trip so you can get out of the house and explore. The key to any successful and stress-free road trip is to pack the right supplies and items. What should you pack when taking a summer road trip in Montana? The following list will give you an idea of what you should pack when taking a summer road trip in Montana so you can be prepared and ready for anything.
(more…)5 Tips you need to know to help protect your engine
Tuesday, May 10th, 2016
How to Protect Your Engine
There are many drivers out there that just hop in their car and go without thinking too much about how they can keep their vehicle running for as long as it can. One of the most important things that you can do as a car owner is to keep your engine in good shape and give it the attention that it needs. Not only is your vehicle’s engine important to giving you many more miles, but it is also very expensive to fix if it has problems. An engine needs to be looked at every now and then and even requires a little maintenance if you want it to be able to give you as many miles as it possibly can. The following list will show you the top 5 tips on how to protect your engine. Follow these tips and your engine will give you the reliability and dependability that you want and need in your car.
(more…)6 things you should do after getting into a car accident
Thursday, April 21st, 2016
What You Should Do After a Car Accident
Getting into a car accident is no fun at all. Every day we hop behind the wheel of our car we hope that it never happens to us. If it does happen to us, all we can do is hope that we come out of it in one piece. Of course car accidents happen, it’s a reality of driving on the road. Even safe drivers can get into a car accident no matter how good of a driver they are. Sometimes it’s not your fault and sometimes it is. The good news is that now you’ll at least know what to do if it happens to you. The following list will show you what you should do after a car accident so you can be prepared if it ever happens to you.
(more…)Negotiate the price of a car like a pro with these simple tips
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
How to Negotiate the Price of a Car
Shopping for a new or used car doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful. If you know what you are doing, buying a car can actually be pretty fun and exciting. Although for many new and used car shoppers, the process is not fun at all. The difference in having fun and getting what you want at the best possible price is knowing how to negotiate. The negotiating process that happens when buying a new or used car is the most important part of the whole ordeal. If you know how to negotiate the price of a car you’ll not only get the best price, but you’ll also enjoy the experience and even look forward to it. The following list will help teach you how to negotiate the price of car so you can be prepared the next time you walk into a new and used car dealership.