Billion Auto Group Official Blog
Archive for the ‘Tips’ Category
Thoroughly disinfect the interior of your vehicle!
Monday, March 30th, 2020
How to kill the coronavirus inside of your vehicle
The coronavirus has quickly spread across the nation. Everyone has been told to wash their hands, disinfect high-frequency areas, and practice social distancing. However, there is one more thing that we should discuss. That is how to kill the coronavirus inside of your vehicle. Even if you do not think you have been exposed, it would not be a bad idea to give your vehicle a deep clean anyway.
(more…)Learn more here about your vehicle’s transmission!
Thursday, March 5th, 2020
What happens to a car when the transmission goes out?
Lately, we have been talking a lot about transmissions. From addressing the signs of a bad transmission to discussing whether or not you can drive with a bad transmission, we have covered a lot of ground! The next question about transmissions we are going to address is what happens to a car when the transmission goes out? Learn more about the signs your vehicle displays when the transmission has gone out.
(more…)Get your transmission serviced before it fails!
Tuesday, February 18th, 2020
Can you drive with a bad transmission?
We wrote a blog post a while back about the symptoms of a bad transmission. Today, we are going to expand on that topic and answer the question, can you drive with a bad transmission? The short answer to this question is no, you should not drive with a bad transmission. Sometimes, life happens, and you have to keep driving your vehicle even though you know that it needs to be serviced. While this is not a good idea, let’s dig into this topic more and understand why you should not drive your vehicle if it has a bad transmission.
(more…)Once again, Nissan leads the way in automotive safety technology
Thursday, September 19th, 2019
Which Nissan vehicles have rear door alerts?
Earlier this month, there was a lot of noise made about several automakers promising to develop rear occupant reminders for their vehicles. This is important because of the number of children who are injured, or worse, by being left in the back seat of hot cars. Nissan has been an industry leader in this area by offering its Rear Door Alert on its most popular models since 2018 and steadily expanding the number of vehicles with the potentially life-saving feature for the 2019 and 2020 model years. So, which Nissan vehicles have rear door alerts? Well, in short, almost all of them. The list is led by the Altima, Armada, Murano and Pathfinder, among several others. The all-new 2020 Nissan Versa also makes the cut this year. (more…)
A few simple things will help your vehicle last as long as possible on the road
Monday, December 31st, 2018
How can I make my car last longer?
Despite all of the great new vehicles that are available at the Billion Auto Group showroom, some people are hopelessly attached to the car, truck or SUV they are driving right now. Everyone who works at the dealerships completely understands the love affair a person can have with their vehicle. If you fall into this category, you may be wondering, ‘How can I make my car last longer?’ Luckily, this an area where we can offer a lot of insight. Overall, the secret to getting as many miles out of your vehicle as possible. If there is anything we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our product experts. (more…)
It’s not too late to check on your car battery, but time is running out
Tuesday, November 27th, 2018
How do I know if my car’s battery will make it through winter?
Whenever someone talks about a car, truck or SUV for sale or lease at Billion Auto Group, the engine gets a lot of attention. However, without a working electrical system, a modern engine isn’t much use. As the teeth of another winter begin to bear down on the Bozeman area, we get a lot of people coming into the Billion Auto Group Service Department asking, ‘How do I know if my car’s battery will make through winter?’ Well, like most things, the signs will be clear – if you know what to look for. The best advice we can give you is to keep up with scheduled maintenance appointments at a reputable repair center like ours. However, if you’ve been noticing some weird things happening, let’s see if we can guess what they are. (more…)
We’ve seen a lot a people make mistakes, this is what you should avoid
Saturday, September 29th, 2018
Most common mistakes made when buying a used car
As much as we love the lineup of new cars, trucks and SUVs available at Billion Auto Group, those might not always be the best option for buyers. Did you know we also host one of the largest and most diverse inventories of pre-owned vehicles? In fact, people are often surprised to find out just how much of pre-owned vehicles we sell each month. Because of that, our sales staff has come to learn a few valuable lessons and have identified the most common mistakes made when buying a used car. We thought it would be beneficial to give buyers a heads up so they can avoid pitfalls which can make for an unpleasant experience. (more…)
Worried about your headlights burning out? It might not be that big of a deal
Wednesday, August 29th, 2018
How long should headlights on my car last?
It’s very easy to take our headlights for granted. For the most part, they turn on when we want them and we never really have to think about them. As for how long headlights should last depends on a few different factors like when the vehicle was built, the environment the vehicle is used in and the quality of service the vehicle has received. We’ll examine a few things that might be helpful if you’re having some issues with your headlights. If there is something we can do to make your evening trips a little brighter, and safer, please make an appointment with the Billion Auto Group Service Department. (more…)
Don’t let motion sickness ruin your next road trip
Tuesday, July 31st, 2018
How do you avoid motion sickness?
If there is something better than going out for a long drive on a beautiful Montana afternoon, we don’t know what it would be, and we don’t have much interest in finding it. However, dealing with a bout of car sickness will bring that good time to an end quickly. So, how do you avoid motion sickness? Like anything else, it takes a little knowledge and a little effort. A team of our product experts got together and did a little research to help you make sure you have an enjoyable drive. If you need a little help to get your vehicle ready for long drive, make an appointment with the Billion Auto Group Service Department today. (more…)
Like most things, following the directions will yield the best results
Tuesday, July 24th, 2018
Does tire pressure need to be adjusted at different times of the year?
Modern tires are easy to overlook. As long as an owner rotates them regularly and avoids hitting potholes or picking up a loose nail, tires don’t require much attention. In the old days, this wasn’t the case and vehicle owners had a lot to worry about when it came to their tires – and we’re not even talking about finding, replacing and storing snow tires or tire chains. A fairly common customer misconception that lingers around the Billion Auto Group Service Department is that a tire press needs to be adjusted at different times of the year. Not only is this outdated information, but you could be making your vehicle less safe, not to mention causing your tires to deteriorate faster. (more…)