Billion Auto Group Official Blog
Safety tips that will help you get ready for back-to-school driving
By Product Expert | Posted in Safety, Tips on Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 at 5:30 pm
Back to School Safety Tips for Drivers
It’s that time of year when when kids start heading back to school and that means the streets, sidewalks and crosswalks will be filled with children making their way to and home from school. Whether it’s an elementary school, middle school, high school or college you’re driving past, keep your eyes open and slow down. After a few months of not seeing those flashing red lights that tell you you’re in a school zone or school buses on the road, it can be easy to forget to keep your eyes open for them. To help keep everyone safe this school year, Billion Auto Group is offering up these back to school safety tips for drivers to remind them of what to look out for and how to keep themselves from getting into or causing an accident.
[Read More: Safety Tips]
3 Back to School Driving Tips
- Slow down in school zones. The driving speed in a school zone is low for a reason, it keeps children safe and allows drivers to stop more quickly. When you see those flashing red lights be sure to slow down and keep your foot on the brake so you can react quickly.
- Look out for school buses. You’ll notice plenty of school buses on the road this time of year and to help keep everyone safe, obey their signs and keep your eyes open for kids when you see them stop.
- Keep your eyes open for kids. Even if you aren’t driving in a school zone, the mornings and afternoons will have many children headed to school so always be on the lookout for kids walking or riding their bikes.
These back to school safety tips for drivers will help you become more aware of what to look out for and what to do this school year. For more safety tips like this please visit the tips section of our blog